nature-based guidance for insight, healing and growth 


Are you feeling ready to shift patterns, expand awareness, and release outgrown stories? Are you looking for deeper connection with yourself and in your relationships? Are you navigating illness, or the end of a relationship, a career or similar major transition? These shifts can feel overwhelming to the parts of us that have been wounded in the past, even when our core self wants to choose growth. I support people with heart-centered listening and skillful practices for way-finding in times of destabilization and change.
I honor the knowing, the pace and timing of your inner healer. I believe in and support the power of healing in community, alongside others, in shared experiences of the sacred as well as in the therapy space. I welcome you to begin exactly where you are, no matter how apprehensive or uncertain. Experience has shown me that courage is not about being fearless, but about being with fear, and choosing growth.

It is an incredible act of courage to be here on Earth at this moment in the human story. The painful legacies of colonialism, global conflict, the pandemic and late-stage capitalism have many of us more disconnected from ourselves and the earth now than humans have ever been. It has become normalized to experience life as a struggle, marked by increasing anxiety, depression, and even despair, and in addition to our present pain, many of us feel intense grief in contemplating the world we are leaving to future generations.

And yet.

There is stirring, there is awakening, there is unmistakeable remembering happening, as we begin to seek another way. 

This “Great Turning”- in the words of ecopsychologist Joanna Macy- is a moment of powerful potentiality. 

Will we as humans reclaim our essential interconnectedness with all life? Will we find our way back into communion, into reciprocity, and collective thriving?

I am hopeful that we will, and fortunately, we don’t have to do it alone. The natural world is full of guidance for us, if we have the curiosity and willingness to ask for help.

The natural world has been a teacher, guide, and lifelong refuge for me. It is an honor and a privilege to share nature-based wisdom with others in an intentional way.

‘This is not a journey which takes place in our heads. It is a journey which takes us out of our heads and weaves us back into the shimmering web of life-life, with all its beauty and chaos, its caresses and its stings, its dangers and its blessings. In this journey we learn to get our hands dirty,- to thrust them into the fecund earth and plant the seeds of the world’s new becomings. We learn to listen again to the stories told to us by the land in which we walk.”

Sharon Blackie, If Women Rose Rooted


Stillness and presence.

Practices that cultivate stillness are a daily part of my well-being, and I teach and share them in our work together.

Patience and trust in the process.

I honor the knowing, the pace and timing of your inner healer. 


Laughter is liberating! I love to play, and can support you in remembering what that means to you. 

Embodiment and somatic intelligence.

I value many ways of knowing, and have particular respect for the feeling wisdom of our bodies.


Heart-knowing, when honored, is capable of overcoming extraordinary obstacles, including the patterns set in place by our early wounding. Courage is not about being fearless, but about being with fear, and choosing growth.

The rhythms and wisdom of the natural world.

We experience cycles in our lives, just as the plant world does, from the first green shoots of spring, to the riotous abundance of summer, to autumn’s fading and dying, and the quiet gestation of the seed in winter darkness. The seasons, the monthly phases of the moon, the simple flow and retreat of the tides all speak to us in rhythm and pulse, and support us in recognizing the needs of our own cyclic phases.